Primavera do Leste, Brazil
In October 2021, EAS LATAM established a field facility in Primavera do Leste, a city in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Mato Grosso is Brazil's third biggest state with a total area of 903,357 km2 and is an important, strategic area for agricultural studies.
EAS counts on experienced and technical team always seeking to deliver high quality services, including:
-Residue field trials
-Efficacy studies and agronomic feasibility
-Ecotoxicology (pollinators studies)
-Biotech trials
Wheateater and soil
Primavera do Leste station represents important climatic conditions in the Mato Grosso region. The region has a tropical climate, summer is hot and rainy and the winter is dry. Despite the rainfall we use an irrigation system during the winter. The light textured soil allows us to plant various native crops, and grains, such as soybeans, sorghum, corn, cotton, and sunflower, in addition to being an important region for seed companies testing new traits.
Contact information:
Adress from facility located in the city
Rua Tom Jobim número 9, Quadra 02, Lote 01
Bairro Castelândia IV
Cep: 78850-000
Primavera do Leste/MT
Adress from field station
Rodovia BR 070 Km 287 + 1,6km
CEP: 78850-000
Primavera do Leste/MT
Facility contact:
Jefferson Ferres: +55 19 99736-7098
Commercial contact:
Andrigo Monroe Pereira - +55 19 2107 5500