Eurofins Agroscience Alachua - USA - Eurofins Scientific

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Alachua, Florida, USA

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This laboratory offers a full range of pollinator testing, specialising in honeybee and bumble bee studies. The team maintains multiple apiaries, with ample capacity for producing quality larval and adult honeybees.

Located in Florida, the optimal latitude allows almost year-round pollinator testing. Capabilities at this site include all core laboratory-based studies required by the EPA, with developing capabilities to work with native species. Specific test designs can be modified as necessary to address any specific needs or concerns.

Tier I (screening) services are offered, fulfilling the initial phase requirements of the EPA’s risk assessment process for Bees.

In addition, non-GLP screening studies are available for all test types.

Alachua FL

Facility and Contact Information:

13709 Progress Blvd
S-163, Box 24
FL 32615, USA

Phone: +1 386 261 1510
John Porch