EcoChem Niefern, Germany
Eurofins Agroscience Services EcoChem GmbH is part of the Eurofins Agroscience Services global network, providing analytical studies to support the screening, development and registration of test substances in Europe, the US and beyond according to international guidelines.
The company offers all analytical studies and scientific services required for the registration of agrochemicals, chemicals, biocides and veterinary/human medicinal products globally.
Every study is performed in compliance with GLP certified by the national authorities Services:
- Determination of physico-chemical properties of Active Substances and Formulations
- Storage Stability studies
- 5-batch studies, Change Control Analytics
- Inorganic Analysis by ICP-MS
Residue Analytics:
- EFate Residue Analysis for field studies in soil, water and groundwater
- Crop Residue Analysis, multi-residue and analyte specific
- Method development and validation, including ILV
- Analytical exposure analysis for all ecotoxicological studies in laboratory and field
Environmental Fate & Metabolism:
- 14C / environmental fate and metabolism studies in water, soil, air
- Metabolism studies in plants and animals
- Leaching, persistence, accumulation in soil and water
- Bioaccumulation studies
Eurofins Agroscience Services EcoChem GmbH
Eutinger strasse 24 D-75223
Niefern Öschelbronn
Germany Phone: +49 7233 9627 710
Contact: Dr. Ralph Kirchmaier