Visualise root growth | Rhizotron services from EAS Group - Eurofins Scientific

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Visualise root growth – Rhizotron services from EAS Group

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Did you know that we provide and conduct in house rhizotron services?

A Rhizotron is a laboratory constructed below ground, that allows non-destructive repeat observations and measurements of root architecture in-situ, unlike in field experiments.  See below our unique video – this is a time-lapse rhizotron on beans, showing germination and root growth, established and managed by Alexandra Perry, our molecular diagnostics scientist. 

Experimental conditions are fully controlled in order to demonstrate seed, foliar or soil treatments applied as biostimulants to target abiotic stress (drought, salinity, temperature, etc.) or as fungicides against plant pathogens, or to demonstrate varietal differences.

Rhizotron studies are analysed using a specific software to measure root traits, in order to generate efficacy data and analyse statistical differences required to complete a field efficacy data package. They can also be used for production of striking marketing images and videos.

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